How do we know the rules of this game?
This board game is one of the oldest known board game discovered so far, dates back to around 3000 BC.
For two player Please read the game instruction carefully and then play the game.
The rules for a ‘game of twenty squares' are talked about in Babylonian cuneiform texts.
This eagle board game was a race game, with two players trying to beat each other to the end of the board.
The oldest one record so far is from Burnt City In Iran.
Also as archeologist Jean Perrot noted in the Persian Journal article, the
lay-out of the "holes" on the"eagle" game boards is highly suggestive of the twenty squares game boards excavated by Woolley in Sumer, the so-called "Royal Game of Ur."
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Game instruction: The Oldest Dice
We used the original dice from Burnt City civilization (Shahr-i Sokhtah)
Please remember that; you only can throw the dice once and the thrown dice will be counted.
To move your pieces, roll the dice from 1, 2,3 and 4
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Step1: How to move Player 1

Always white Pices start (Player 1)
Two Player - Drag the white piece and drop it in to the board
Single Player - Just "Click" the white piece
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Step2: How to move Player 2 (Two Player Only)

Drag the Black piece and drop it in to the board
Please refere to the photo guide
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Step3: Where to start for Player 1
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Step4: Where to start Player 2
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Step5: The HIT BOX (Two Player Only)
All the knocked out pieces will go into the "HIT BOX".
when you knocked out by player 1 or 2 you can reuse it from the start point by throwing the dice.
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Step6: How to survive? (Two Player Only)
you should wait for your rolling number for example in this picture the white piece waiting for number 1----->
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Step7: The Survivors Vase (Two Player Only)
When you survive place it in to the vase
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Are you ready for the most ancient board game?
This game is very easy to play and it is fun, Make sure you understand how to play the game before start the game.
NOTE: Only click your piece
Play Single Player (In Beta)
Jiroft Game Instruction
How do we know the rules of this game?
This board game is one of the oldest known board game discovered so far, dates back to 3000 BC.
Please read the game instruction carefully and then play the game.
The rules for a ‘game of twenty squares' are talked about in Babylonian cuneiform texts.
This eagle board game was a race game, with two players trying to beat each other to the end of the board. People in many parts of the ancient world played the "game of twenty squares" and boards have been found from Egypt to India, Iran and up until modern times.
The oldest one record so far is from Burnt City In Iran (around 3500 B.C)
Also as archeologist Jean Perrot noted in the Persian Journal article, the
lay-out of the "holes" on the"eagle" game boards is highly suggestive of the twenty squares game boards excavated by Woolley in Sumer, the so-called "Royal Game of Ur."
The Oldest Dice

We used the original dice from Burnt City civilization (Shahri Sokhteh)
Please remember that; you only can throw the dice once and the thrown dice will be counted.
To move your pieces, roll the dice from 1, 2,3 and 4
NOTE: Only click your piece
Play Single Player (In Beta)