The agricultural revolution made possible permanent settlements and the creation of complex civilizations. The Iranian plateau become the cradle of one of the oldest civilizations in history.
6800 BC
Chogha Mish, dating back to 6800 BC, is the site of a Chalcolithic settlement in Western Iran, located in the Khuzistan Province on the Susiana Plain. It was occupied at the beginning of 6800 BC and continuously from the Neolithic up to the Proto-Literate period. Later, the nearby Susa became culturally dominant in this area.
5000 BC
One of the oldest known evidence of grape wine is about 7,000 years old, from a Neolithic settlement in Iran’s Zagros mountains, Hajji Firuz Tepe
3900 BC
Sialk (near Kashan) First city built in Iranian plateau and also the Oldest and largest Ziggurat discovered so far.
3500 BC
Oldest Animation along with oldest backgammon board and dice discoverd in Burnt City
3100 BC
The world's oldest phonetic writing system. The cuneiform writing was probably invented by the Sumerians, also at the same time invented in Elam but was subsequently adapted for writing in the Akkadian language, of which Babylonian and Assyrian are dialects.
3000 BC
Jiroft cradle of civilization. The discovery of the magnificent Jiroft site came by accident in the very early 21st century when rounds of heavy flood along the Halil River swept the topsoil off thousands of previously unknown tombs and led to the discovery of many artifacts believed by archeologists to belong to the Early Bronze Age (late 3rd millennium BC)
2700 BC
History Of Writing
Some archeologists believe the discovered inscriptions are one of the most ancient script found so far and maybe the Elamite written language originated in Jiroft (it’s hypothesis), where the writing system developed first and was then spread across the country. Also a geometric writing system discovered in Jiroft which is completely different writing system.
1500 BC
The Persians and Medes, two groups of Aryan nomads, migrated to the Iranian Plateau from central Asia.
1000 BC
The Prophet Zoroaster was one of the first prophet to introduce the concepts of monotheism, duality of good and evil.
559 BC
Cyrus The Great established the Persian Empire, the first world empire.
539 BC
Babylonia surrendered peacefully to the Cyrus The Great. Pioneer of human rights The Cyrus Cylinder
In 5000 B.C, Chogha Mish was the biggest population centre.
studies at the site between 1969 to 1979 showed growing social
and economic complexity. [13]
Earliest known ensemble
Four seated musicians accompany the diner, having mastered the intricacies of ensemble playing. One musician plays an arched harp, here shown for the first time in history. Below is a man who extends his rms over the flat top of an object restored as a drum.
The third musician holds two objects shaped like animal horns. The fourth person places his right hand against the cheek, a posture well known from singers in the ancient and modern near east.
It s he earliest known ensemble, it includes the essential elements of modern ensemble. The musicians play a string instrument, a percussion instrument, and a wind instrument.[13]
Development of writing
The Chogha Mish is important today for information about the development of writing. At Chogha Mish and Susa, evidence begins with an accounting system using clay tokens, over time changing to clay tablets with marks, finally to the cuneiform writing system.[13]
Hajji Firuz
Hajji Firuz Ziggurat
Hajji Firuz Tepe(artificial mound) is a Neolithic village in Zagros Mountains.
A research of Neolithic winemaking came from the analysis of a yellowish excess inside a jar unearthed at the site.
The jar was found along with five jars along one wall of a kitchen of a Neolithic mudbrick building dated to circa 5400-5000 BC.
Sialk has had human residence of about 7500 years ago.
Many of the items found in Sialk excavated from the necropolis.
Sialk is one of four ziggurats built by the Elamite civilization. The other three are: Choqa Zanbil (1250 BC), Susa ziggurat (1800 BC), and Haft Teppeh (1375 BC),
Oldest Ziggurat
Before pyramids it was Ziggurat. Ziggurat is a temple tower of ancient Iran and Iraq. Sialk Ziggurat was first excavated by by Roman Ghirshman in the 1930s.
The Sialk ziggurat has 3 floors, and although the ziggurat itself was built in 2900 BC, it still predates Urnamu’s Ziggurat at Ur, which was built in 2100 BC.
Which can mean the art and knowledge of building a ziggurat was a Mesopotamian created knowledge but in fact created by the Elamites.
Burnt City
The city was built around 3200 BC and emptied (2100 BC) over a time later. The city experienced four stages of civilization and was burnt down three times and this is the reason why the city named Burnt City and because it was never rebuilt after the last fire. The site was discovered in 1967.
The oldest known backgammon, a human skull which indicates the practice of brain surgery and an painter object that indicate the first animation also In December 2006 archaeologists discovered the world's earliest artificial eyeball in the city.
History of Backgammon
Elamite also known as Susiana, is one of the oldest civilization in the world and it was neighbour to the Sumer and it was culturally tied to Mesopotamia. It's in Iranian Plateau but geographically is part of Mesepotamia. The dates backs to 3300-539 BC.
The Golden Age of Elam
Elam, in the period between the 13th to 12th century BC,. Under one of the its most powerful kings, Untash-Napirisha, reached its economic. Political and cultural zenith. Untash-Napirisha’s name is associated with the founding of a holy city overlooking the river Diz, with the name of Dur-Untash, or as we might say, Untashburgh-the present-day Chogha Zanbil.
Susa was capital of the Elamite and its one of the oldest city in the world
Susa, the largest population centre in lowland Susiana, is one of the few ancient sites where the earliest steps towards urbanization, the second great revolution in human culture, were taken. Mentioned in both the Bible and classical text, Susa is one of the most celebrated sites in antiquity . more than century of excavations by French archaeologist, followed by Iranian investigators, has made Susa, which was the heartland of Elam, one of the best known archaeological sites of the ancient world. [13]
According to Jean Parrot (archaeologists, CNRS, France)
“6,000 years ago in Susa, in southwest of Iran, and at the same time in Mesopotamia, there was an era which lasted for more than 1,000 years, that is from 4000 to 2400 BC. The feature of this period is what is sometimes referred to as the urban revolution. The is revolution entitled formation of social classes given order to the newly settled-in lands, expansion of commercial exchanges with neighbouring regions and establishment of religion”
Ziggurat (Choga Zanbil )
Elamite ziggurat known as Choga Zanbil was built around 1250 BCE and its the only zigguirat that almost survive today. Below is displaying before and after the Ziggurat.[13]
Display Before
Jiroft - Cradle Of Civilization
Display Before
A gigantic ziggurat has been discovered in Jiroft (known as the Konar Sandal). Below is displaying before and after the Ziggurat.
*PW - Persian Wonders (based on our conclusion and study)
1. Majidzadeh, Yousef. "The Land of Aratta." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 35, no. 2 (1976): 105-13. Accessed August 10, 2020.
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3. Madjidzadeh, Youssef & Pittman, Holly. (2008). Excavations at Konar Sandal in the region of Jiroft in the Halil basin: First preliminary report (2002-2008). Iran. 46. 69-103. 10.2307/25651436.
4. Geoffrey,B. Olivier,J. Youssef,M. ARTE France.; Gedeon Programmes. Special Broadcasting Service Corporation. SBS-TV. (2005). Unearthing the lost kingdom of Aratta. [Video file]. Retrieved from
5. Majidzadeh, Yousef. "The Land of Aratta." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 35, no. 2 (1976): 105-13. Accessed August 10, 2020.
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7. Madjidzadeh, Youssef & Pittman, Holly. (2008). Excavations at Konar Sandal in the region of Jiroft in the Halil basin: First preliminary report (2002-2008). Iran. 46. 69-103. 10.2307/25651436.
8. Desset, Francois. (2014). A new writing system discovered in 3rd millennium bce iran: The konar sandal 'geometric' tablets. Iranica Antiqua. 49. 83-109. 10.2143/IA.49.0.3009239.
9. Geoffrey,B. Olivier,J. Youssef,M. ARTE France.; Gedeon Programmes. Special Broadcasting Service Corporation. SBS-TV. (2005). Unearthing the lost kingdom of Aratta. [Video file]. Retrieved from
10. Geoffrey,B. Olivier,J. Youssef,M. ARTE France.; Gedeon Programmes. Special Broadcasting Service Corporation. SBS-TV. (2005). Unearthing the lost kingdom of Aratta. [Video file]. Retrieved from
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12. Curtis, J. (2013). The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia: A New Beginning for the Middle East.
13. Farzin, R. (2007). Iran: Seven Faces of Civilization.